Preparation Courses
Official Exams

Preparation Courses
Official Exams

Grading System
Performance & Composition

Who we are

At Vancouver Conservatory of Music, we teach and develop students’ musical skills through the highest level of education. As a music school with highly educated faculty members and instructing more than twenty courses, we offer a standard of education that stands among the highest available in Canada. Our primary role is to help students set their goals and help achieve them through weekly, online, and in-person lessons.


During our free consultation session, we discuss the student’s musical interests, goals, and learning styles. If the student is young, we can also help assess readiness for lessons and the best instrument fit. We will explain how our program works, answer any of your specific questions, and make informed recommendations. Scheduling a consultation guarantees time with our head instructors to answer your questions. Please fill out the consultation form to get an appointment.

Thank you for contacting us, we will be in touch with you soon.

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